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Post archive

Domestic Abuse Advice and Information

Use the links below for reporting and adviceReporting Domestic Abuse;Gov.ukCrimestoppersEssex PoliceLocal & National Contacts;Colchester & Tendring Women's RefugeSamaritansWomen's AidSafe LivesChildlineEssex Safeguarding Adults

Counter Terrorism

Radicalisation is the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies. If you are worried someone close to you is becoming radicalised act early and seek help. The sooner you reach out, the quicker the person you care

Domestic Abuse Definition

Domestic violence and abuse: new definitionThe cross-government definition of domestic violence and abuse is:any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who

Online Safety

As technology improves, there are lots of exciting opportunities, but of course risks too. Educating yourself, keeping up to date on security and staying aware of privacy issues can help you keep clear of online exploitation, abuse or bullying. It

Safeguarding Children

Please see below links to resources and information in relation to Children’s safeguarding.Essex County Fire and Rescue Service (ECFRS) Educational HubSisters in Strength - mentoring programme for girls and young womenGoodman Project - a male future

Essex Police Help us Help you

Every day we answer thousands of phone calls from members of the public asking for our help. And we are dedicated to helping people, especially in an emergency.

But we are continuing to see an increase in people ringing 999 for something that isn't an emergency. Just 20% of the calls we are receiving to 999 actually need an emergency response.

So, we are asking people to think about whether they need to call 999. Or if another way of getting in contact us would be better.

By doing this, it will help make sure we are free to answer those phone calls from people who need our help the most.

Calling 999 must be a last resort. You should only use this service if you are reporting an emergency.

Restorative justice

This service enables those harmed by anti-social behaviour, conflict or even a criminal offence, to have contact with the person responsible in a safe environment

Mental Health

Mental health and wellbeingIf you're feeling stressed, anxious or depressed, or just want to feel happier here is where to find help;NHSMIND ~ for better mental healthMental Health FoundationLiving Well EssexRethink​Essex Partnership University

Hate Crime

Stop the Hate‘Hate Crime’ is the generic term used to discuss both Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents.Hate Crimes are any crimes perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility

Drug & Alcohol Misuse

Alcohol related crime accounts for nearly three quarters of crime and disorder across the UKAlcohol and the lawYou need to be aged 18 or over to buy and drink alcohol legally in licensed premises in Britain, but 1000 teenagers under the age of 15

Essex Victims Gateway

Essex Victims Gateway where you can find information and advice on what to do and how to get help if you have been a victim of crime in Essex, Southend or

Sexual Violence

Sexual violence is any unwanted sexual act or activity.  It includes rape, sexual assault, child sexual abuse (CSA), sexual harassment, female genital mutilation, trafficking, sexual exploitation, and ritual abuse. Sexual violence can be perpetrated


St Giles Trust SOS ProjectThis multiple award-winning service offers intensive support to vulnerable young people to help them in the criminal justice system and those at risk. It works with young people exposed to or at risk of violence,

Psychoactive Substances

What are new psychoactive substances?New psychoactive substances – often incorrectly called legal highs – contain one or more chemical substances which produce similar effects to illegal drugs (like cocaine, cannabis and ecstasy).Although some of

The Essex Safeguarding Children Board

The Essex Safeguarding Children Board (ESCB) is a statutory multi agency organisation which brings together agencies who work to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people in Essex. The Children Act 2004 required every local

Reducing the Strength Campaign

Reducing the Strength is an initiative seeking to stop the sale of ‘super-strength’ alcohol across the district.It asks off-licenses to voluntarily stop the sale of ‘super-strength’ alcohol.‘Super-strength’ alcohol is any beer, lager or cider with

Modern Day Slavery

Unchosen is a charity that uses the power of film to fight modern slavery in the UK.Our aim is to raise awareness of modern slavery by empowering individuals, communities and organisations to recognise the signs and take action.By screening our

Human Trafficking

Stop the TraffikSTOP THE TRAFFIK is a pioneer in human trafficking prevention. Working to unite people around the world by inspiring, informing, equipping and mobilising communities to:- Know what trafficking is- Know how to identify it and how to

Sanctuary Scheme

What is the Sanctuary scheme? The Sanctuary Scheme is for Tendring residents who are at risk of homelessness due to domestic violence from a current or former spouse/partner or close family member. The scheme offers high risk victims of domestic

Domestic Homicide Review

Domestic Homicide Review's (DHR) are carried out for professionals to understand what happened in each homicide and to identify any changes that need to take place to reduce the risk of future tragedies.For further information and published DHR's

Forced marriage

Forced marriage can be defined as 'a marriage conducted without the valid consent of one or both parties, where duress is a factor.'You have the right to choose who you marry, when you marry or if you marry at all.Forced marriage is when you face

National Counter Terrorism Security Office

The National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) is a police unit that supports the 'protect and prepare' strands of the government’s counter terrorism strategy.For further information visit the Government website on the below link.National

National Police Chiefs Council

The NPCC brings police forces in the UK together to help policing coordinate operations, reform, improve and provide value for money.Some of the biggest threats to public safety are national and international. Crime is changing and so are citizens’

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About The Tendring Community Safety Partnership

In 1998 it was identified by the then government that in order to effectively tackle crime and disorder agencies needed to work together to tackle identified issues collectively. Community Safety Partnership's (CSP's) formerly Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships (CDRP's) were set up to be the conduit between different agencies and organisations both statutory and voluntary.

The partnership includes Tendring District Council, Essex Police, Essex County Council, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner's Office, Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, Essex Community Rehabilitation Company,

Working hard to make Tendring an even safer place to live, work and visit

©2025 Tendring District Council, Clacton Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton on Sea, Essex CO15 1SE
Designed and produced by Laban Brown Design